Last January, after LOST BUXTON came out, I got the brilliant idea to start a blog – a blog filled with topics that intrigued me about Buxton. Topics other books hadn’t covered extensively. Topics that showed Buxton’s importance today. I’d planned to group all these topics in a series titled, “Beyond Lost Buxton: Exploring History Not In The Book.”

Excitedly, I jotted down ideas for articles I could write and post.
Determinedly, I wrote my first post.
Happily, I posted it: In Search of Ben Buxton – Part I.
I basked in the afterglow of accomplishment for 10 whole seconds before it hit me: I was going to have to write another post. And another one. And another one. Frequently and regularly, throughout all eternity.
Because I am The World’s Slowest Writer, the “Beyond Lost Buxton” blog became Idea #9,248 added to my Brilliant Ideas Never Implemented folder.
A year later, here I sit. I am currently turning the ideas previously tagged for “Beyond Lost Buxton” into Buxton book #2, which is due to my publisher in June. And, once again, I am filled with the urge to blog about topics I can’t fit in the book. (Yes, part of the urge is due to Writer’s Phenomenon #1: Everything That You Are Not Writing Looks More Interesting Than What You Are.)
So “Beyond Lost Buxton” — or, more accurately, Beyond Buxton Book #2 — is no longer in the folder. This time, I feel excited and committed. I can do this — even if it means I no longer have time to heart every rescued dog video on Facebook. Because Buxton is that important to me. I want everyone to know about this amazing town and be filled with the same sense of awe that I am.
I am still The World’s Slowest Writer so daily treatises are out. But I will try to post informative and interesting content regularly. I hope you will stop by and check it out. Better yet, I hope you will sign up to be notified when there’s something new out.
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